The TICAB manufacturing plant presents the MIRA-3 asphalt infrared patching equipment. This is a unique road repair system developed by leading engineers of our company to optimize road surface patching. The MIRA-3 complex includes a portable infrared asphalt heater with 3 panels, an asphalt recycler, a hot box HB-1, and the bitumen emulsion sprayer BS-100.
Asphalt infrared patching equipment and supplies have been actively used in the asphalt industry in recent years to extend the life of road coating. Equipment provides an affordable, efficient, and timely repair of damaged asphalt pavement with relatively minor ruination that requires little grinding or replacement. It means potholes and irregularities, rough and uneven asphalt pavement, rising asphalt, and other issues that need urgent solving.
We offer new infrared asphalt repair equipment for sale MIRA-3. It heats the surface of the roadway and scarifies it with a rake. New asphalt enriched with the bitumen emulsion is added from the recycler with the help of bitumen sprayer. The system comes with a mechanical control of the ignition flare system.
Complete set includes a recycler and a bitumen emulsion sprayer.
You can process the surface of up to 3,000 m2 per shift.
A 3-level diesel fuel cleaning system is on board.
Reverse system for filling the tank is a useful add-on.
Engine power (diesel)
14 kW (19 hp)
Emulsion tank capacity
8000 l
Density of surface coating
100-1600 g/m²
Spraying width
2-3.7 m
Cleaning system
Function of tank self-pumping
Spraying bar blowing by compressor
Rear view camera with monitor in driver s cab
Bitumen emulsion spraying dosing control (g/m²) screen display in driver s cab
Spray bar control (lowering and expanding) both via remote in the cab and on the sprayer body
The system for heating the bitumen emulsion with a diesel burner (Italy)
Related Road Machinery
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